Securing SCADA and OT Platforms
Workshop Resource Materials

Thank you to everyone who attended our 2023 GE Digital Software Sponsored Workshops on Securing SCADA and OT Platforms. This is the central place to locate all of the resource materials referenced in the workshop. 

Industrial Cybersecurity Brochure

Download our brochure to see our risk level vs. cost matrix and learn about the right balance between cost and protection for industrial cybersecurity.

Roadmap Planning for OT Security, Enterprise SCADA, Networking, and MES Systems Brochure

Developing a roadmap is an important step in successful process automation engineering. The roadmap is continuous in nature and helps uncover the design basis for your system. AutomaTech is your trusted partner in your automation life cycle plan and will help navigate you through the process to your ideal system. 

Complete your Readiness Self-Assessment

Understanding the age and lifecycle of your control system and related field devices is typically a task that is not managed on a regular basis. As your equipment ages, upgrades from antiquated hardware platforms can be risky due to the complexity of system architectures used and managing of the system cutover time window. AutomaTech has performed many of PLC, VFD, MCC, HMI, & SCADA system modernization projects and has a proven process to reduce and manage inherit risk. This self-assessment scorecard aids engineers and end-users in determining risk, complexity, and change management opportunities (people, processes, and tools) and should be completed while speaking with an AutomaTech Subject Matter Expert.

Please click on the readiness self-assessment below and rank your responses from 1-5 with 1 representing strongly disagree and 5 being strongly agree. Your score will be calculated and emailed to you after submission. 

Self-Assessment Score Key and Next Steps:

<=69.99%: You have a high degree of vulnerability & risk. Schedule a consultation with a Solution Architect or email us at

70%-84.99%: You have room for improvement. Schedule a consultation with a Solution Architect or email us at

>=85%: You're well in control of your process. Let us know if we can help in the future.